
Marlberry shrub is a beautiful berry shrub. It is a tall evergreen shrub or small tree that blooms in small, dark clusters of abundant deep purple-black colored berries with long green shiny leaves.

Marlberry is a beautiful shrub native to the Caribbean region and Florida. It is found in the Central and the Southern peninsula of Florida. Besides Florida, Marlberry is also found in the Caribbean Islands, Central, and South America.  

Marlberry is cultivated for commercial use. They are used widely in the general landscape as an adaptable, versatile and attractive shrub when it blooms in season. The shrub can grow in shady or sunny landscapes. They are also used for coastal gardens, wildlife gardens, native plant gardens and native plant landscaping. They are well-developed in costal strands, hammock environments, pine rocklands, thickets and woodland gardens.

Marlberry shrubs are naturally inclined to warm environments. These shrubs can tolerate light/deep shade or full sun. Throughout the year, they bear fruit intermittently. Late spring through fall is peak season.   


The berries start out as red to green berries as they mature, then turn to a darker glossy shiny color. At the mature stage, the berries are dark purple/black and glossy. The berries are a great source of food for migratory birds and other smaller animals in the wildlife, such as butterflies. 

They are also considered edible for people, though the taste is not too tasty to many. Others have mentioned the taste like blackberries or grapes. The taste varies among people. Though they are known to be great survival food. The marlberries are not a popular berry choice to add to recipes. Therefore, it's recommended to go for other types of fruit berries.

Malberries in the Tropical Garden

Many of the marlberry shrubs are planted in the open garden area in full sunlight and in the tropical garden with partial/full shade.

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