Green Cabbage


The green cabbage is a green leafy vegetable with a round head and layers of thick leaves. It is a cool- season vegetable. It also has similar features to lettuce. 


Cabbage is a nutritious vegetable and a healthy vegetable consumed worldwide. It can be boiled, roasted, sauteed, steamed or consumed raw if desired. It is also excellent for fermenting. Sauerkraut and pickled cabbage are great simple fermented cabbage recipes. Coleslaw is another popular salad recipe primarily made with green and red cabbage. Cabbage varieties include salads, soups, and stews. 

Cabbages recipes 

  • Beef and cabbage stew
  • Coleslaw fruit salad
  • Sauteed cabbage
International Cabbage Recipes
  • Dolmas {Turkish/Middle Eastern}
  • Korean Kimichi
  • Lebanese stuffed cabbage
  • Romanian cabbage rolls
  • Traditional {German Sauerkraut}

Cabbage makes an excellent vegetable juice. It may not be a popular choice for juicing, but it is a great healthy juice option to make at home. Here are a few cabbage juice recipes. Add the desired amount of sugar to the following cabbage drink blends. 

  • Cabbage, carrots, apple and mint leaves blend
  • Cabbage, cucumber, apple, lemon blend
  • Cabbage with pineapple, cucumber and lemon juice.


The green cabbages were planted in brown mulch in the outdoor garden area with other vegetation in sunlight. 

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