Canjica de Milho (Corn Pudding)

Canjica de milho is a sweet corn pudding. It is a soft and delicious corn dessert. The texture of the corn pudding is creamy, soft, and smooth, similar to store-bought pudding from the US.

Canjica de milho is a pudding dish made with fresh corn and milk. The corn and milk are blended, then cooked in a saucepan with additional ingredients. 

This corn pudding is a traditional Brazilian dish that originated and was introduced by the enslaved African people in Brazil. The recipe is well recognized throughout Brazil, specifically in the southern region. It is a popular corn dish for São João. This festival honors and celebrates John the Baptist. During this celebration, many people dress in folklore-style clothes, dance to traditional forró music, and enjoy a variety of fresh corn dishes. 

Ingredients Details

Corn: fresh corn; alternative: canned corn or frozen corn

Coconut milk; canned coconut milk; alternative: whole milk or condensed milk

Coconut powder milk: Caribbean Dreams Coconut Milk Powder or any other brand of coconut powder milk.

Butter: salted or unsalted butter

Vanilla extract

Sugar: granulated sugar; feel free to omit sugar. This is for added sweetness.

Salt: plain salt

Ground cinnamon for seasoning 

Instructions Details


  • 8 corns
  • ½ can coconut milk
  • 1 coconut powder milk packet
  • ½ stick of butter
  • ½ cup sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • Ground cinnamon


Remove the kernels from each corn.

In a blender, add the kernels and the coconut milk.

Blend until smooth.


Place a mesh food strainer in a saucepan.

Add the blended corn mixture to the mesh food strainer.

Once the blended mixture has been strained, remove the mesh food strainer.

Add the following ingredients to the saucepan:
  • Coconut milk powder
  • Butter
  • Vanilla extract
  • Sugar
  • Salt
Cook on medium heat.

Stir until the mixture has thickened and has a paste-pudding texture.

Once the corn paste has thickened, add it to the dish.

Season with ground cinnamon, if desired. 

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